Moving on….

Well, the time is here and I’ve got some (potentially) great news.

I’m moving effective February 1, 2010 (yeah…2 days late) from this blog to my brand new blog/site at:

Please stop by, check out the site, book mark it and leave me your feedback.

By the way, nothing against wordpress.  Would recommend it to anyone.

See you soon!


Passion 2010 by the numbers: A final tally

100:  number of students supported through Child Survial Projects in Indonesia through Compassion International

20,000:  Money needed for goal.

205:  Number of students able to be supported by pledges.

50,170:  Money raised with commitment pledges.

30, 170:  money raised over the goal.

100,000/17,500:  Goal for number of meals boxed with money to send them through Feed My Starving Children.

108,432/17,533.32:  Number of meals boxed and money raised for the goal.

200:  Goal for number of students affected by HIV/AIDS in Mozambique through World Vision to be supported at $35.00 per month.

1000:  number of Caregiver Kits wanted for assembly at the conference.

1000:  Number of Caregiver Kits assembled.

174:  number of students sponsored at $35.00 per month.

26:  number of students left to be sponsored.

668,597:  Amount in dollars raised through Tuesday morning at Passion.

668,597:  Amount donated by an anonymous donor who, after spending the week at Passion was so moved by what happened he/she agreed to match dollar for dollar what was given up to that point.

1.39 million:  Dollars given to the 12 causes at Passion 2010

14,820:  number of towels students brought to donate for homeless shelters across Atlanta.

72,600:   pairs of socks students brought to be  given to  homeless shelters of Atlanta.


Passion 2010 by the numbers volume 4: more good stuff

10:  Number of wells in Guatemala desired for drilling through Living Water.

50,000:  cost of the wells.

22:  number of wells able to be built.

113,865:  Money given towards the goal.

63,865:  money given over the goal.

100:  cleft palate surgiers for children in Afghanistan with Cure International

55,000:  Cost of surgeries.

68,160.54:  Money given towards the goal.

18,160.54:  Money given over the goal

111:  surgeries able to be performed.

3,000:  Goal for number of Bibles to send to unreached people in Asia through Bibles Unbound.

3,000:  Cost of sending Bibles.

12,530.56:  money given towards the goal.

9,530.56:  Money given over the goal.

25,000:  Dollars needed to build a border outpost in Nepal to help intercept sex trafficking victims through Not For Sale.

3+:  Number of border outposts able to be built by money raised towards the goal.

86,516.72:  Money raised towards the goal.

61,516.72:  money given over the goal.

Passion 2010 by the numbers volume 3: This is Good stuff…


500,000: number of dollars Passion hoped to raise for their Do Something Now campaign.

12: Number of causes making up the Do Something Now campaign.

75,000: cost of Building an education center for the Dalit people of India through Operation Mobilization.

92,753.91 Money given towards that goal.

17,753.91: Money given over that goal.

100,000: cost of translating 4,000 verses for the Shatika and Rom People of Southeast Asia with OneVerse.

78,359: Money given towards that goal.

3,134: Verses translated for their Bibles.

20,641: Money needed to complete the goal.

200: Number of small business loans for Haitian women through Hope International (micro-finance).

200: Cost in dollars per loan.

200th: loan given towards the goal….from a Haitian woman.

64,412.34: Money given towards that goal.

24,412.34: Money given over that goal.

322: Loans given in total.

100: Number of seminary students desired to sponsor in the Middle East with E3 partners

30,000: cost in dollars to fund the students

151: number of students sponsored.

45,318: Money given towards that goal.

15, 318: Money given over the goal.

More from Do Something Now soon.


PS: Pray for God to use Haiti’s tragedy for His triumphs.

Passion 2010 by the numbers volume two

22,000: number of conference attendees for Passion 2010.
1,100+: Number of colleges represented by the attendees
1,200: number of volunteers at Passion 2010.
48: States represented by the attendees.
2: Venues with Passion 2010: Philips Arena (capacity 17,500-18,000) and Georgia World Congress Center (capacity 3,500-4,000)
44,000: number of lunches served at Passion 2010 between the two days of lunch.
74: length of time in minutes it took to serve those lunches combined.
47: avg. number of minutes for talks/sermons at Passion.
37: shortest talk time by Andy Stanley.
55: longest talk time by Louie Giglio.
6: avg. number of songs sung during a main session at Passion.
9: highest number of people onstage for leading worship. I call it the Passion Mega-Band. (Tomlin-Redman-Stanfill-Nockels and band)
4: number of bands/worship leaders who combined for the mega-band listed above (think 9)
5: Number of speakers at Passion 2010: Louie Giglio, Beth Moore, Francis Chan, Andy Stanley, John Piper.
1.8: number of songs Fee was able to do in 15 minutes. (But they were a great 1.8)

Passion 2010: by the numbers volume 1

We just got back from Passion 2010. for more details.  It was in short, amazing.  Now I am reticent to share with you what I learned from each speaker for two reasons.

-1:  I am not good at finishing blog series.  I still have much to do in two series that were started months ago.

-2:  I lost my notebook!!!

So, I’m doing a series to officially kick off the new year with a look at Passion 2010…by the numbers.



10: number of people who went from our group to Passion

8: number of guys who went with us.

2: number of girls who went with us (brave, they surely were).

2: number of guys named Adam.  Adam Sampson and Adam Weiss.

3: number of hotel rooms we had.

4: number of times one of our hotel rooms smelled like “locker room.”  (Hint:  never was the girls room. Hint 2:  it didn’t smell like a girl’s locker room.)

4,400: number of dollars it cost for us ten to go to Passion.

3,200: amount of money raised towards the cost of Passion.

1,200: amount of money still needed (any takers?) to pay off the bill.

3: number of cars driven by our group: Sean’s beastly truck, Taylor’s party van, and Scott’s cozy Saturn.

1,600: miles driven to, from and in Atlanta.

32.74: cost of an average fill up (scott’s car less, sean’s car more).

Next:  Conference particulars, Doing Something Now, and Sunday Summary….

Happy New Year…a week late!

Combine your 11th wedding anniversary with Passion 2010 and you have: an absentee blogger.

But don’t worry. I’ll be back Sunday with a sunday summary, and Passion 2010 by the numbers next week.

And with a new year will mark some new beginnings with soiled saints.

be on the lookout for a (for me) huge announcement regarding the future of me on the web. (Hint: I’m not going off the web)


Merry Christmas

to all my friends, family and even enemies (of whom I don’t know who you are..).

May Christmas find you enjoying the greatest gift of all: salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.


The Week Ahead…and a Year Ago….and What’s to come in 2010

It’s shaping up to be a busy one, filled with meetings, joy and more.

Today, I meet with Kevin to talk about Sunday and the past year. I also meet with Bill to further my ordination process.

I also meet with Jon and Becca, two very sweet people that I have the privilege of marrying in March 2010.

Tomorrow sees a meeting with Ryan from Pearland area Young Life, and me speaking for Jason Crandall and FBC Pearland Wednesday night. Please pray.

Thursday sees me meeting with my bro Mike Skinner, whom I love very much. Also meeting with Larry and the DVULI crew, both whom I also love very much.

Friday is elder meeting. Saturday I get to meet with Tracy Holcomb at Heights Baptist to talk about winter retreat.

And Sunday….well, you know Sunday!!

Yesterday was December 14th. It was a year ago (was a Sunday, this year a Monday) that some very emotional stuff went down.

I preached at Fellowship that Sunday. I also told them I was leaving. I had to tell the praise team before we got going that I was leaving. That was hard.

Not as hard as what would happen over the next three hours. I had to preach, then let people know I was leaving. The reactions were even a year later, hard to think about.

Krista cried. She knew as long as nearly anyone other than elders and staff. She certainly knew before any other student. Nevertheless, she cried.

Joy cried. Joy usually doesn’t cry…… public. She did that day. A lot. I told Krista to find her. And I just held Joy for a while. If I can take anything back from that time, it would be the hurt I caused her that day.

Linda cried. Who’s Linda? Joy’s mom. That was a surprise. She was bawling. I didn’t expect that. A few other students and adults cried as well. And not to demean or diminish their emotions, but those three folks stood out the most to me.

Coming in 2010:
-I will be wrapping up a blog series I started some months ago about people that have shaped my life.

-I’ll be debuting a new website that I think (Hope) you’ll both enjoy and frequent often.

-I’m doing p90x with Mandy. We’re calling the period between now and January 11th “pre90x,” and I’m already not happy with the program….and that’s a good thing.

-And there’s more to come.

Grace and peace,

Sunday Summary: Joseph’s Dream

Kevin was here for the first time since October 2008, and the first time since I’ve been pastor.

He did a great job in our “coming soon” series talking about Joseph’s dream in Matthew 1:18-25.

His two main points were crucial:
1. If anyone had a right to NOT believe in the virgin birth, it was Joseph. He had been seemingly wronged, seemingly damaged by Mary’s seeming indiscretion. Yet, by the end of Matthew 1, his posture went from skeptic to servant, and his attitude went from bewilderment to obedience.

2. Kevin’s closing question sealed the deal: Is God calling you to do something that your feelings are rebelling against? Tell the feelings no.

That’s a great question, one worth pondering and pursuing in the week ahead.

T’was a good day.


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