Archive for September, 2009

So…five days away…

and the attacks are ramping up.

Unfortunately, the excitement hasn’t ramped up as much.

Why? Well a few reasons:

-My wife is sick, and physically depleted. I wonder if she has enough left to make it to the last day of Solomon’s Porch on Friday.

-Due to the previously mentioned communication issues, we are having some extra meetings, both staff and others, to insure we are properly briefed, ready to roll, and are on the same page with everything heading into Sunday.

-And all of a sudden, I’m dealing with a near-crippling bout of fear that I have no idea its’ origin other that shall we say “south-of-heaven.” I have been (semi) privately praying for 200 people to be here the first day. I know that not all will return and I’m okay with that. Now I’m fearing that this will be a bust, that we’ve not heard from God, and …well….you can fill in your own blanks.

So…because of this: I’m going to be fasting beginning after dinner tonight through the end of Sunday services. From you ask?
-Food (except already made engagements, like a thursday lunch, a Friday wedding practice rehearsal dinner, and Saturday’s reception)
-Wrestling DVD’s
-My regular tv shows.

While I’m not asking you to fast with me. I’m asking you to pray for me.

Love and grace (and grateful for God’s love and grace),

Hello and Goodbye

Well, our launch is coming up, and we’re excited to say “Hello” to folks in a new way with our services.

830-935 a.m.: First Service

945-1045 a.m.: Sunday School/Bible study

11 a.m.-1205 p.m.: Second Service

We’ll be saying “Hello” to our kids as they embrace new teachers.

We’ll be saying “Hello” to (I hope) new friends and old friends who are coming to wish us well.

And we’ll be saying ‘g-bye’ to some things……

-like life as we knew it.

-like our own comfy seats. Someone may take them before usJ!

-like our preferences.

So it’s going to be a wildly exciting day. And I’m scared yet hopeful.


This morning, we are saying goodbye to one of our dearest members. Barbara Broussard, a faithful SCC’er before it was known as SCC passed away this morning after a few month-battle with cancer. I got to meet with one of her best friends this morning, and learned that no matter what, in times good or bad, Barbara was looking to serve her friends and family, seeking to grow closer to her Savior Jesus, and according to one of the most godly people I’ve met, was the most godly person SHE’D met.

While Heaven is saying hello……we’re saying ‘g-bye to a dear friend.

Barbara, may we love God with the same intensity you displayed.

Hello ….and goodbye.


Re-visiting previous posts….

Seven months ago, I wasn’t thinking that I was a prophet….but I did state that there would be challenges that Soutwhay would face.

One of those was the “Communication Challenge.”  Back then, we had something in the bulletin that didn’t match what was actual, and it resulted in someone who read the bulletin and did what it said, yet was not rewarded due to the fact that something had changed that we had not communicated clearly.

I wrote back then, “We can’t afford to continue making these kinds of mistakes, although there will be some things that slip through the cracks.”

How right and wrong I would turn out to be.

See, our big day is coming (and incidentally, so are the attacks) and now-seemingly-more-than-ever, communication is going to be such a critical and crucial component of life together moving forward.

Mark Driscoll had a remark about the internet that once someone has posted something there, it’s global, it’s immediate, and it’s permanent.  Well, I can apply Driscoll’s all-too-true statement to verbal “posting” as well.

I am re-learning the weight of leadership being on “the same page” but in reality, I am in need of leadership being not just on the same page, but the same word.

When communication crumbles, unity is impossible.

And while by God’s grace we aren’t in a bad position, moving forward, communication, biblical, integrity-filled communication, is not a luxury……

it’s a necessity.

We’re six days and counting.  Short time…but seems like forever…

Prayer Point today:  Unity.  May God grant us unity as we move forward.  Some feelings are hurt.  Some issues have been raised.  Nothing in and of itself a deal-breaker.  But before we make mountains out of mole-hills (who came up with that saying?), may we work hard for the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.


Sunday Summary: 9.27.09: Go Time Acts 1-5

Today was somewhat historic. It was our last day of one service.

Next week we’ll launch out in 2 services. The schedule is the following:

830-935 a.m. First Service
945-1045 a.m. Bible Study
11 a.m.-1205 p.m. Second Service

In preparation for that….we talked about Acts.

Did you know that:
-Houston is the 2nd most international city in the world next to NYC.
-4000 churches in a city of 5 million people.
-800,000 people attend church regularly in Houston.
-65% of those 800,000 attend 59 churches.
-280,000 people for 3900 churches.
-300-400 close every year for good.


We talk about and would suffer for what we love.

We need to again orient ourselves around what the church is here for.

Acts: It is Narrative and journey of the earliest church. 1/3 sermons and speeches.

Acts 1:8 you shall BE witnesses. Witnesses: court they testify to what they have seen/heard/experienced. Witnesses not just to death but to resurrection…..Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead.

-You don’t have to take a class to talk about what you love.

-Gospel is for all groups: jews-gentile-samaritans-handicapped-pagan-city-women-jailers-philosophers-kings all preached to in Acts.

-these were ordinary people. Ordinary people who did extraordinary things with an uncommon devotion to follow a Supernatural Savior.

-The Gospel is meant to Go Global, as they did what Jesus said. In the book they went…
They went to Jerusalem
They went to Greece
They went to Ephesus
They went to Caesarea
They went to Rome

Acts 4:23-31
-Prayed. After persecution they prayed.

-What are we doing that Jesus has to come through or we will fail?

-Be: Lifestyle vs. activity. Your whole life is a witness…

-Are we Christ-soaked and Spirit-Drenched?

-Are we throwing ourselves in situations where unless the HS comes through we’d be done? Spirit-driven risks?

We must live out the Gospel.

Whew…..take a breath…

It’s been a busy week. And it’s a busy week to come. So here’s a status report on what is heading your way via this blog.

tomorrow: Sunday summary.
Monday: Stuff about our launch.
Tuesday: More stuff about our launch.
Wednesday: More more stuff about our launch.
Thursday: no, not more stuff about the launch. A pot-shot at our culture (I’m sure it will be life-altering..)
Weekend: What God is teaching me/ And a return to the people who have influenced my life.

Plus, we’ll have more stuff from Acts 29.


So I hear people are praying in D.C. today

….and they aren’t of the christian ilk.

Perhaps if we Christians spent as much if not more time praying ourselves instead of pissing and moaning about what other religions do……..

Nah…couldn’t be that simple could it?


Sick and tired

no, not attitude…I’m sick and i’m tired.

I’m excited about Sunday though. IT’s going to be a full weekend.

Friday: Brainstorming meeting.

Saturday: Video shoots for the upcoming series.

Sunday: It’s go time. (More on the Sunday summary)

Sick, tired, yet hopeful and ready.


Acts 29 Main Session Four: Bruce Wesley

-He planted CCCC (Clear Creek Community Church) 16 years ago.


-Any battle plan lasts as long as it takes to fire the first shot. Then you scramble. (How true)


-2 Timothy 2: 2 questions

    -Will you last?

    -Will your work last?


Your calendar is a chronicle of your life.


There are daily rhythms that bring life.


“Faith is renunciation and reliance.” Jerry Bridges


Bad wells to draw from:

-cynicism: A pit bull that will bite you. Are you going to be cool or strong? Can’t be both.

-Comparison or competition.

-Anger: This is omni-directional.


Good wells:

    -Scripture and God’s voice

    -Others grace-filled relationships



Act in a way where you can be acted upon.


Who get your time? Who gets poured into?


Say no to:

-Needy people (not people with needs, but people who are continually press you for needs that can be best filled by others.

-Compliant people. Don’t settle for yes men.

-Rich people. Don’t sell out the mission for the promise of riches.


Yes: Reliable people (timothy was reliable…he got circumcised…)

    -Ask them to suffer with you.


Don’t be in a hurry to fill slots. Find reliable people.


Acts 29 Session Three with Matt Carter

Matt’s talk was about leaving an enduring legacy. He talked to us about our families.

Matt pastors a large church. But he stated emphatically that if choosing between a large church and a so-so family and a small gathering with a family who loves Jesus and one another, the choice is a no brainer……

Matt’s talk was very convicting, as he showed through three legendary figures of American Christianity the differences in how pastors can view their families.

-John Wesley:
Matt cracked the place up with the statement: “John Wesley was a ‘ho’.

Wesley wrote notes to girls and evidence shows that his wife hated his calling, and Wesley could have cheated physically with women. There’s little doubt he cheated emotionally.

Imagine the 70 year old David talking to the 30 year old David. What would one say to the other?

-George Whitefield:
He loved is wife but looked at marriage as a means to an end.

He loved his wife but ministry had his heart.

His wife felt like a widow.

-Jonathan Edwards:
His wife and kids loved him.
Marriage and ministry was his calling.

While Matt was extremely witty and funny, he was also brutally honest about his own life and journey in this area, a journey that’s taken him to more wholeness in integrating family in ministry.

As if I wasn’t being convicted enough….


Sunday Summary: Sweat the Small Recaps Titus 1-3

yeah, we covered 46 verses in 40 minutes.

-In my senior year of college I majored in spades. I liberally skipped classes, even though my spades style was conservative.

-Even though I went to a public high school, I knew enough to not miss the recap before the final. I had to have the recap if I was going to do well; skipping or not.

-We all enjoy a good recap: Our tv shows start with the recap of the previous week’s show or I got two words for you:


-If I could sum up the message of Titus in one sentence (harder than it seems) it would be this:

Display Christ’s Great Grace through Your Good Works.

-According to Titus 1:2, we can trust God: He never lies. No matter what…you can trust Him.

-This God builds the church…..which thrives on excellent leaders who are models of belief and behavior 1:5-9

-Self-control is necessary and attractive showing this God: 1:8, 2:1, 5, 6

-We need to teach well about this God. 1:9

-Actions count more than words in terms of belief;.. 1:16

-We need sound doctrine about this God if we are to live rightly before this God : 1:9, 2:1, 8, 10

-Intergenerational ministry is expected in how we live out life before this God: 2:1-10

-Just like in Chapter 1, Huge link between faith and works. Grace and good works. 2:1, 11-14 3:4-7

-Based on what this God has done: Live out what God has worked in Titus 3:1-8

-While this God is perfect, His church isn’t perfect…3:9-15

-By the way, if you ever find the perfect church don’t join it if you find it. But good luck. While you are looking for things that don’t exist:
-fountain of youth.
-Houston sports teams besides our soccer team that don’t choke. (And right on cue, the Texans win a barn-burner…)
-Kanye West actually shutting his mouth in humility.
-twitter freaks who don’t have a mental deficiency.

-Instead of taking shots at the church, get dirty and serve it to make it the bride she should be.

-Let’s never forget that the main character of Titus is…………Jesus: The Savior. The hero of every story.

-Jesus is the main character of every book of the Bible.

-Luke 24 44Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” 45Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, 46and said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, 47and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.

-John 5 39 You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me, 40yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life.

-We’re prone to idolize the Bible over Christ as bible churches: Study study study, got this study or that study. But we fail to realize it’s all about Jesus.

-“Informed minds should lead to inflamed hearts.”-Scotty Smith

What are some good works you can use to display Christ’s grace?

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