Archive for October, 2009

Brief Blogging Break

Due to some scheduling snafu’s, I’ll be on a blog break until November 1st.

In the month of November I hope to finish some started-but-yet-undone blog series:

10…no 15 people that have influenced me.
The Innovate 09 conference
The Endure Acts 29 conference

So we’re gearing up for a good, full, fall-winter season.

Thanks for reading,

What a day…

Interview at 11.

Daughter at 3.

Young life at 7

Bed by 10?

Yeah right. But we’ll see.

More to come,

Sunday Summary: Hello My Name is Jesus… 10.18.09

We are head long into our fall series. Sunday covered the topic of “What difference has Jesus made” and covered Jesus’ impact in five areas: Art, Education, Charity, Children and Women.

consider some of the following….

Jesus and Art
God created. His children have also created.
Music: Bach Handel (Jesus inspiration behind it)
Architecture: cathedralsPhilippians 2:5-11
Art: Paintings, sculptures. Michelangelo, Da Vinci (CODE?)
Literature: Dante, Donne, Dostoevsky, Bunyan, Dickens, Tolstoy, Lewis, Tolkien, Solzhenitsyn. All faith.

5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death,even death on a cross. 9 Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, 10so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:5-11

Jesus and Charity
“These are not the sort of conclusions I ever thought I would reach when I started looking at charitable giving in graduate school. I have to admit I probably would have hated what I have to say in this boo.” Arthur Brooks, Professor Syracuse University, and Director of the Nonprofit Studies Program Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs.

He researched the issue and clouded that religious conservatives donate more money to all sorts of charitable causes regardless of income, than their liberal and secular counter parts. From donating volunteer hours to blood.

Jesus and Children
Child sacrifice and abandonment were common. 50 percent didn’t make it to age 8. Discard babies by placing them out with the trash. Then they were picked up and were molested, sold into slavery or prostitution.
Jesus born into poverty as a child. He loved and cared for children:
-Healed them:  Matthew 9:23-25 Jairus’ daughter
-Gives them wisdom: Matthew 11:25
-Taught them:  Matthew 14:21
-Promised punishment for anyone who harmed them: Matthew 18:5-6
-Worshiped by them:  Matthew 21:15

Jesus and Women
-they were regarded as property. In  India when husband died she could be burned alive on her husband’s funeral pyre.
Jesus went against the grain and brought up the conscience of women being made in the image of God through:
-Samaritan woman at the well: 1John 4:13-19

Two of his friends loved like sisters:  Luke 10:38-39

Women were the first to know he resurrected:  Matthew 28:1, 9, 10

-True, there has been a lot of harm done by people who claim Christ.
Facts:  (thanks to Mark Driscoll’s book Vintage Jesus)
-20th century: 170 million were killed by human beings. 130 million of those died by those holding an atheistic-communistic ideology.
Stalin killed forty million Hitler killed six million Jews and nine-ten million others, mainly Christians.
Mao killed some 70 million Chinese.
17 million were killed in the name of Christ in 20 centuries of Christian history. No Christian today applauds them, rather we condemn their zeal.
-Yes we can be guilty of hypocrisy, we are imperfect people following a perfect Christ.
Jesus makes the most difference through changing hearts to reflect His heart.

12Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, 13for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. Philippians 2:11-13.

Saturday: The Carny’s Are Coming…and that’s a good thing.

I woke up at about 430 a.m. Saturday morning and got ready to leave for Houston.

I arrived in Houston around 8 a.m. and went straight to SCC for the Spirit Raiser/Craft Show. You couldn’t ask for a more beautiful day, especially in Houston.

I referred to that day as a “3 day weekend.” See normally, a three day weekend implied/s that you would have a Friday off or a Monday off to go along with Saturday and Sunday.

Not so for Houston. A 3 day weekend implies (no “d”) that it’s one of the 3 days per year that we have near picture-perfect weather.

Saturday was one of those days. Nary a cloud in the sky, and not oppressively hot nor humid.

Vendors were out selling their crafts,and believe me, there are talented people out there. I spent some time talking with folks, and walking around looking at the different wares for sale.

About 1 p.m., I was in the office looking up a fact about whether or not a well-known rap-rock band was/is Christian (they profess for the record to not label themselves as such although they have a very unique syncretistic blend of islamic and christian thoughts) when I heard about a lady wanting to see someone about food.

She walked in and told me her story. She’s part of a traveling carnival that puts on the haunted houses one sees around this time of year. Coming from Wisconsin, she came down here and the boss-owner promptly left them high and dry with little to nothing. She was in dire need of food and gas.

I gave her as much food as I could. We have an ongoing effort for a local food pantry and someone had dropped off a bag earlier in the day. I told her to take it, and grab some food from the food-stand and tell them Pastor Jason said it would be okay.

“Do you think he’d be okay with that?” she asked.

And then it dawned on me……she had no idea who I was.

“i’m pretty sure it will be,” I replied, barely unable to contain my giddiness.

“Oh. Tell him thanks for me.”

I invited her to church. I half expected her to show up. She didn’t.

But Eric did. Eric was another one of the traveling band, and wore a unique American Indian like vest with his shirt. Eric was befriended by one of our folks, and showed up Sunday.

The rest of the day was a blur because I was just chewing on what I had experienced with the carny’s. (By the way, carny is not a derogatory term to me. It’s simply a descriptor)

LESSON LEARNED: Titles are okay, and maybe important…to a point. Way back in 1992, Jeff Chandler asked me a question that I STILL CHEW ON. “Are you living for a title or a testimony?” This lady didn’t care if I was pastor, president, chief, head honcho, whatever. She needed to see a tangible demonstration of the love of Jesus Christ. She didn’t need to be impressed that I was the pastor (which by the way, she thought I was around 18 to 20 🙂 ).

I re-learned that at the end of the day here’s the main issue: If she remembers me, my name, etc. Great. But did she see Jesus Christ in me and through me? Did she see a guy who was trying by God’s grace and strength to live out the implications of the Gospel?

Was it a perfect day? Nearly.

Was it a perfect ministry day? Not-so-nearly. And that’s okay.


NEXT: Why does my heart ache even on a good day?

Last Friday: Day Trip to Dallas


I flew to Dallas via a Southwest buddy pass from my friend Susan.  Roberto picked me up and we went to Dallas Chinese Fellowship Church to meet with Rebekah, Gilbert, and some other members of the DCFC crew.

We then headed to Rebekah’s house (which she shares with Isaac, her husband, and is getting ready for the arrival of their soon-to-be-born twins, who will NOT be named Jacob and Esau) and then to CCCFC (Collin County Chinese Fellowship Church for the event, entitled “Reawaken.”

I talked about the pacemaker in front of about 110 students.  At first, it was a little….cold…in the room for some reason.  But by the time we got to Day 2 of the story, God was moving in the room.   Numerous students responded with repentance (at least so it seemed) and I was celebrating due to what I saw.

WHAT I LEARNED:  No matter what…drive people to the cross.  No matter how cold they are to you, no matter how they reject you.  Drive them to the cross.

Next:  A perfect day weather wise.  An imperfect day ministry wise.


This may be a tad self-promoting……but.

Take this seriously.

I’m enjoying the blog. It has its perils to be sure, but the benefits can and do far outweigh the dangers.

But, I am a tad stuck in a rut. So here’s where you come in. The first Soiled Saints poll.

I’d love your feedback on this:

-What would you like to see me do more of in this blog? (examples could be: social commentary, personal reflection, great cutdowns I’ve learned over the years, etc.)

-What are the most helpful-to-you types of entries I do? (Sunday Summary, people who’ve meant a lot to me, etc.)

-What would you like me to stay away from in this blog?

That should help a lot. Thanks in advance!!


NEXT: Recaps galore. Friday. Saturday. Sunday. A weekend filled with “God-spotting TM.” (Used with permission. God-Spotting tm Rob Edwards INC) 🙂

Okay…I need some advice

Tell me dear reader, tell me a solution.

See, I have this friend. (And no, it’s not the “i’ve got-a-friend-when-really-it’s-me” scenario)

I love this friend. This friend means the world to me. I’ve had the privilege of being there for this friend during some scary-dark times. And this friend has never ceased to encourage me in similar times.

This friend, for whatever reason, has suddenly grown a tad cold (at least that’s how I perceive it) to me. COmmunication has grown short and terse. Once-common times of interaction have now grown sparse. I’m taking it not too well. I feel like I’m not needed. (And for whatever reason, I’ve got a need to be needed and I really don’t need that need.) Say that five times fast AND without looking.

Now don’t get me wrong, there could be a thousand different reasons why. This friend is busy, involved in many things that keep their calendars whirring at a brisk pace.

This friend is steeped in responsibilities and has newly acquired more responsibilities. So it could be busyness.
This time of year especially.

But I fear it’s not that. I fear that for whatever reason, something’s wrong.

So dear reader. How should I approach this friend? They’ve said nothing’s wrong, that I haven’t offended them, or anything like that.

They are very-much-committed Christian. They love Jesus.

I just want my friend back.

Here, dear reader, is where you come in. Do you have any advice to give me so I can put this to bed in my mind?

Fire away,

Wild Weekend Again?

About to fly to Dallas to speak at an overnight youth retreat. I would appreciate prayers on my behalf, that I would proclaim the Gospel and that fruit would be seen.

I fly back (Lord willing) tomorrow early to be back at 8 a.m. for the Sprit Raiser/Craft Show. Then Sunday services.

Then…..she comes home. I can’t wait to see Mandy.

I miss the queen….what can I say?

dit} 10…no 15 People Who Have Radically Changed My Life: Dave Norris


No, not the prog-rock band that’s seriously underrated (Kerry Livgren is a BEAST)

I’m talking about the state.  Wichita in particular.

See, that’s where Dave Norris currently resides.  Who’s Dave Norris you say?

I’m glad you asked. Here are some great words to describe Dave:

Mizzou fan.  (He loves his Tigers)

Steady:  He’s in it for the long haul.

Firm:  He holds you accountable.  If you ask him to do it, he’ll do it.  (trust me)

Pointer:  He points you to Jesus with his words and deeds.

Faithful:  He’s been married more than 30 years and loves his wife.

Father:  He’s got five (I think) kids and has been a great role model of a dad.

He is my DIG leader from 20 years ago.  Dave Norris is a very Godly man.  I’m honored to know him, and to be taught by him.

He’s currently on staff at East Evangelical Free Church in Wichita, Kansas serving as Pastor of Children and Family.  Dave taught me that one doesn’t have to be sthe superstar, as he was the forerunner to Jeff, and got to see Jeff reap the harvest that he in some ways got to plant.

Dave is a good, godly man.  I have learned valuable lessons from him that only now am I more fully able to grasp.

May God continue to use men like Dave to expand His kingdom for His glory.


Sunday Summary: Hello My Name is Jesus: The Cross

This past Sunday, we had ladies at……what else? Ladies Camp. Don’t know what they were learning, but I assumed they learned lady-like things in lady-riffic settings. I do hope they had a good time, but I suspect that as good a time as they may have had……they didn’t have it like we did Sunday.

We had an absolute TON of core folks out this week. I did a survey, and counted 45 core folks out between being out of town, sick, on vacation (see out of town), or at the aforementioned celebrational weekend-de-lady. However, we were able to maintain momentum, largely due to my man Daniel Davis.

I’ve had the privilege of a growing friendship with Daniel. Daniel’s brother David, has been a friend of mine for nearly 4 years, as he was a youth minister at FUMC Pearland (pronounced FHUM-kah Pearland). David is also a music artist, having released two albums with more to come I’m sure.

After David journeyed to the other side of Houston, he called me about his brother Daniel. Daniel, a recent seminary graduate of Southern Seminary in Louisville, was getting ready to plant a church in Pearland.

I got to meet Daniel and members of his core team in the summer of ’08, and we spent a few minutes eating and scanting about Pearland. As we parted then, I looked forward to the day we would be able to serve in the same town together. (This is pre-SCC)

Fast forward to summer ’09. Daniel and his wife Joy and their two children Reid and Annalise (Sp?), moved to P-land, and some of their core team were in process. We began to meet, and discuss the (non) hostile (spiritual) takeover of the city.

Daniel and his crew would grace us by meeting at SCC for a couple of meetings during the late summer and early fall. And it was then that I hatched my (non-diabolical) plan.

I asked Daniel to preach for me during the “Hello” series, and he chose to pick the topic of the cross.

And he absolutely nailed it. I’ll post notes from his sermon later, but suffice to say, Daniel is a guy who brings heat and unlike Astros pitching…..throws strikes!

More to come,


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